The Food Waste Problem
1/3 of all food is wasted posing a significant environmental impact.
Wasting edible products is a major challenge addressed by the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Paradox
We are wasting edible food while 10% of the global population is undernourished.

Sustainable Production
Meat and fish are up to 7 times more polluting to produce than other food products.
2/3 of the waste is generated before the products reach the private consumer.

Depleting the Oceans
50% of our wild-caught fish product is never eaten. The ambition of the SDG was to end overfishing by 2020.

The Paradox
We are wasting edible food while 10% of the global population is undernourished.
Sustainable Production
Meat and fish are up to 7 times more polluting to produce than other food products.
2/3 of the waste is generated before the products reach the private consumer.
Depleting the Oceans
50% of our wild-caught fish product is never eaten. The ambition of the goals was to end overfishing by 2020.
Window of Opportunity
Innovative digital technologies are in increasingly high demand. IoT solutions are driving the transition to Industry 4.0, supporting more sustainable production.
With the Meat Quality Sensor (MQS), we will support the industry with a new and innovative tool that can connect each part of the value chain.
Ethical consumer behaviour dictates and rewards more sustainable and responsible production of goods.
With the MQS, consumers will be certain that the goods are fresh, and they can trust the expiration date. This can potentially be used as a marketing tool.
Growing market
Meat production and international trade are increasing, resulting in longer shipping times.
Consumers will lean towards solutions that simplify the process of trusting the product’s longevity.
Policies and Legislations
In order to prevent a climate disaster, sustainable production is on the political agenda.
At AmiNIC we’re in contact with the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
We believe that with the MQS sensor, the food industry can safely trust that their goods are fresh and usable within a reasonable time limit.
With the tool in hand, you will be able to predict the expiration date better and take better care of your wares. This will ultimately save the food industry from wasting meat and fish that could otherwise have been consumed.
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Jernbanegade 57
5500 Middelfart
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AmiNIC ApS © 2023